The Washing Machine of Destiny – Tiverton Library

Tiverton Library will be hosting The Living Room Theatre on Friday 19th April 2024 – performing their relaxed performance of The Washing Machine of Destiny, lasting 70 minutes. This performance will not have an interval.

We are pleased to announce that our next evening event is a “comical, thought provoking and uplifting” play performed and written by actors Luca and Philip from The Living Room Theatre.

Devised and performed by Luca Saunders and Philip Robinson, directed by Pippa Marriott.

Luca is a teenager, Philip is getting on a bit. Both are on the autistic spectrum. This show is a conglomeration of their bonkers ideas, perhaps like nothing you will have seen before. An eclectic mixture of music and characters and story (sort of) and conversation and yet more music in a show that they have created together.  Luca says “Sometimes my mind feels like a washing machine on different cycles, with tumbling thoughts… sometimes my head is spinning!”.  The Washing Machine of Destiny is what happens when two people on the autistic spectrum decide to pool their passions – music, technology, washing machines, mystery adventures, superheroes and magic – and make a play.   Philip says “This show, like life, is a bit of a work in progress. We’re all just doing our best.”   So come along for a wash, rinse and spin cycle: you’ll emerge refreshed, enlightened and smelling wonderful – OK, we can’t guarantee that last one!

Categories: Cinema, Theatre and Performances


  • Toilets

Venue: Tiverton Library

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