Orchard Day with Apple Pressing
Apple Day at Viveka Gardens Retreat Place
Bring your apples and your family to a community apple pressing day, uniting Coldridge, West & East Leigh, North Tawton and surrounding villages with autumnal activities, including cake, drinks, soup and bread. We’ll be raising money for The Barn Owl Trust and Care 4 Calais
Enjoy a talk from Ruth Testa on Barn Owls (VG has just been graced by a barn owl in a box from the Barn Owl Trust). Everyone welcome, even if you don’t have apples to press or miss a slot. We’re looking for volunteers to help with the pressing too.
Bag a time for your juicing via the doodle link in tickets and you can bottle and pasteurise your juice if you like. We have 8 slots available and if you would like to pasteurise your juice in bottles please come in the morning before 12.30 as we’re not sure how long the pasteuriser will take.
Suggested minimum £5 donation for a slot, bottles @40p each. Volunteers to help ‘man’ the press for a time and contributions of cake and nice loaves welcome.
Big thanks to Chris and Ruth (who is also a parish councillor for North Tawton) for organising and to the Viveka Gardens volunteers for helping.
Categories: Food and Drink, Seasonal
- £5 (suggested donation)
- doodle.com/poll/ca57mkuz5u22vpm5