Lucy Holland In Conversation with Amy Jeffs – Tiverton Book Festival

Liznojan Books and Coffee is hosting Tiverton’s 5th Book Festival!

‘Numerous saints were held to have lived and performed miracles across Britain and beyond, from  only decades after Christ’s death, up to the eve of the Reformation. Today, stories of saintly heroes  are all but forgotten, especially by the secular West. This is a wrong that art historian Amy Jeffs sets  out to redress in this astonishing, beautiful study: she argues that we should treat saints’ stories with  the reverence we treat myth or folklore.’

Author of Sistersong and Song of the Huntress, Lucy Hollandwill be interviewing Dr Amy Jeffs at Tiverton Library for this year’s Tiverton Book Festival. Both experts in British folklore and legends, this will make for a fantasic evening of British history.

You can pre-order copies of Lucy Hollands books to be signed via our website shop.

Venue: Tiverton Library

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