Equinox Harvest Yoga Day Retreat
If you are looking to connect, take some time to recharge and embrace the changes of the seasons then Viveka Gardens is holding this wonderful Harvest Yoga Day Retreat:
Let’s tune with the September Equinox change of season. At this cusp we’ll enter this liminal moment to explore our inner space.
With cues from nature, landscape and crops here at Viveka Gardens (8.5 acres) we’ll value our own inner nature, landscape and personal harvests. We’ll harvest fruits in the orchard and gardens, plant out over-wintering crops and sow new seeds. In the wider landscape on our meditation walk we can forage blackberries, rejoice in hedgerow fruits and turning trees.
There is a restful and airy yoga studio here. Gentle yoga, restorative yoga, yoga nidra will relax the nervous system, offer space to reflect on our personal seasons and open to inspiration for what next.
Four places only to complement the weekend residential retreatants.
Includes vegan lunch, teas and afternoon snack.

Categories: Health and Wellbeing
- Toilets
Venue: Viveka Gardens